Good morning NASA members,
Your Bargaining Committee has launched an online survey today. This touches on areas identified as top priorities by NASA members in the 2022 post-bargaining survey, which were wages, workload, and issues of job security and precariousness. The survey is 25 Strongly Disagree – Strongly Agree sliding scale response questions, and 4 optional open-ended questions. Follow this link to get started.
These questions are based on principles and priorities and are not themselves bargaining proposals. The survey questions are also not all encompassing, you should expect to see proposals addressing issues not in this survey. Those proposals are being developed by your Bargaining Committee, reviewed by your Executive, and then brought out to you all after Reading Week for discussion.
A note that the one-on-one surveys are still ongoing, which give NASA members the chance to have more in depth conversations about these issues and also further shape the approach taken in bargaining. If you haven’t been surveyed through that process yet and would like to be, please be in touch with Trevor or Shauna.
If you’re thinking maybe you don’t have time for this or it doesn’t matter if you participate there are a few questions to ask:
Do you want your Bargaining Committee to see high participation as a sign of strength to give them confidence at the table?
Or possibly provide NAIT a sense that this is unimportant to you and your co-workers?
And do you want other people to make these decisions for you?
You will see more electronic surveys or polls as bargaining progresses, asking questions about NAIT’s proposals, as well as counter-proposals from your Bargaining Committee. Your participation will make the difference in achieving an agreement that reflects more of what you want and deserve in return for your valuable work.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Trevor Zimmerman