February 27, 2025

Bargaining Update #15 NAIT Files Grievance rather than Discussing cost of Time Off Issues

This update is about a grievance NAIT has filed against NASA on February 19, 2025.

In January 2025 NAIT sent an invoice for costs associated with NASA members attending two daytime bargaining sessions in December 2024, even though there was no time off request from NASA for those days. The instructors on the bargaining committee completed their assigned work and did not need time off. Based on the advice we have received, NASA believes when instructors do not get time off and the instructor’s work was completed that NASA should not have to reimburse NAIT.

NASA communicated this to NAIT, and offered to discuss further. NAIT chose (again) to go the legal route and has filed a grievance. NAIT has suggested that the process be expedited and we are looking at ways to do so.

NAIT communicated to NASA that they believe this “erodes our labour relations relationship,” and suggests that this has now impacted “productive negotiations.” This is not a reasonable position to take over a legal disagreement. NASA members have at times strongly disagreed with NAIT’s actions and rhetoric, but we have not been in the practice of telling NAIT this means the relationship is “eroded” or insinuate that bargaining could not be productive because of a disagreement. It should not be a surprise to NAIT that NASA and its bargaining committee are working to minimize costs associated with bargaining and following legal advice.

We believe that in spite of the implied threat from NAIT, cooler heads can prevail and effective bargaining can continue. In fact, we have had productive bargaining sessions since delivering our message to NAIT. If NAIT chooses to change its approach to bargaining or other labour relations issues, it would be a disproportionate response towards NASA members for a procedural exercise of basic union rights.

Bargaining will continue. Stay tuned for more updates on bargaining and dates.