November 4, 2024

Bargaining Update #12 – Dates with NAIT, Picket Pay Sign Up

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Your NASA bargaining committee met as a caucus on November 4, 2024.

Counter proposals – no concessions

Among the discussions were adopting counter proposals to NAIT’s Article 18 proposals tabled on August 1 this year. Those proposals are included in NAIT’s full proposal package here.

All counter proposals will take into account the position the bargaining committee adopted of “no concessions”, meaning that the goal for this round of negotiations is not to adopt any proposal which would make your collective agreement worse for you and your co-workers. Negotiations should be focused around how to improve working at NAIT.

Picket pay preparations – personal emails needed

NASA’s Finance Committee is busy testing the use of Payworks for the purposes of paying picketers via direct deposit during a lockout or strike. Payworks is already used by the office to administer payroll for the employees of NASA (myself, Adele, and Stephanie). NASA members who provide the NASA office with a personal email will get an email ahead of a potential dispute to provide their banking information to set up the direct deposit. Picket pay will not be administered through your email. If you haven’t yet, please provide your personal contact information at this link.

Picket pay policies such as the amount of weekly payment and the amount of picketing hours required will be discussed later in the academic year.

 Looking forward to seeing you at the next negotiations sessions.

In solidarity,

Trevor Zimmerman